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.::Daftar Isi::.

.::You Follow I Follback::.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Reset Manual Canon MP 145

Try This..!!!

1. Connected Printer to a Power source, Turn off the printer if printer on
2. With the Printer power off, press the Power button while press and hold Stop/Reset button.
3. When the Power led is light, press Stop/Reset button two times while pressing and holding the Power button.
4. When releasing the Power button and the Stop/Reset button (regardless of order), the printer will move into a service mode. (Waiting for menu selection)
5. When the on/off lights in green, press the Stop/Reset button four times to reset wase ink counter. For other specified number pressed function listed in the table below. (Each time the Stop/Reset button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in orange and green, starting with orange).
6 Unplug cable power from a power source.

The number of the (Reset button) pressing LED
Tombol Stop Reset adalah Perintah Service Mode

0 time Green/Ijo Power off
1 time Orange Service pattern print
2 times Green/Ijo EEPROM print
3 times Orange EEPROM reset
4 times Green/Ijo Waste ink counter reset

1. Colokin Listrik, Tekan Off (pastikan udah Off)
2. Tekan bersama sama dan tahan (Tombol Power dan tombol Stop/Reset)
3. Jika lampu udah nyala. tetep tahan tuh tombol power trus tekan tombol Stop/Reset sebanyak 2x (klik klik)
4. Nah sekarang tuh tombol power dilepas. dimana printer sekarang pada posisi Service mode. sekarang tinggal tunggu perintah dari kamu.
5. Liat daftar diatas ya..!!!! Jika ingin ngereset Waste Ink Counter. maka kamu harus tekan tombol Stop / Reset sebanyak 4 kali (klik klik klik klik) pastikan warna lampu Green / Ijo
6. Matikan Printer dengan menekan tombol power off. (trus jangan lupa lepas strumnya. tunggu 10 detik tancepin strumnya..)
7. Sukses dan selamat mencoba..!!!

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